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Our intentions for the 2023 growing season

Caroline Walker Evans Photography

Thank you for being here. Whether you are an ongoing customer, a flower lover, a fellow grower or an artist looking for inspiration, there is so much gratitude in my heart for your support.

2023 is going to look a bit different than our previous seasons and here is why.

When I first started our little flower farm, one of the most grounding and joyous parts of my day was a slow early morning walk among the flowers, often while they were still damp with dew. As the sun began to sift between the pines in hazy shards, I would check to see who was newly blooming, who needed attention and who was getting all the buzz from the bees. Every day there would be one flower that held my attention just a bit longer than the rest, and it is this flower that would become the core flower around which I would build a daily bouquet.  Sometimes though, the flower would be so lovely, that it needed no accompaniment. I began to take photos of these daily jewels, single flower and bouquet alike, and shared them in the hope of allowing others the opportunity to see their beauty just as I do. The flowers so deserve these moments to be truly seen.

Caroline Walker Evans

I can’t seem to recall when the mornings finally became too hurried, the days too full, and the to-do list too long for me to continue setting aside this length of time early in my day. My search for that exceptional flower was now a rushed task and nothing about it resembled the calming stroll of serendipitous wonder it began as. Over the next few seasons the days only seemed to get busier. There was no longer balance between the workload our family sustained going into the growing of our flowers and the joy we felt in return when they bloomed. Our vision for our little flower farm has always been quite different from most other flower farms and the solutions I sought based off what was working so well for others weren’t working for us.

Caroline Walker Evans

This year I will be slowing my mornings and getting back to the roots of why we grow. There will be so much more documenting, note taking, photographing and sharing. In addition, I have enrolled in several courses, acquired far more books than I can read this season, and scheduled several visits with incredibly talented professionals to do all I can to further my own knowledge.  As we do not currently sell seeds, bulbs, rhizomes, roots or starts, we will be working to build resources which we will share through our newsletters to help you find and add the same flowers we grow to your own farms and gardens. To allow this time to be present among our flower as they grow, and for all the learning I plan to do, we will not be participating in any markets throughout the 2023 season.  That being said, our cut flowers and bouquets will still be available by request, so please continue to reach out to us directly. Constructing bouquets one a time with the most beautiful blooms we have available is truly my favorite part of growing flowers.

In addition to these changes, we have a few other exciting things going on throughout the year that we hope to share with you soon. We are looking forward to sending out monthly newsletters with some great resources and updating our website accordingly, so be sure to check back.

Caroline Walker Evans

In addition to these changes, we have a few other exciting things going on throughout the year behind the scenes that we hope to share with you soon. We are looking forward to sending out monthly newsletters with some great resources and will be updating our website accordingly, so please do check back in with us.

Wishing you a wonderful year filled with hopeful mornings and content evenings.


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